Doomsday Clock Radio

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"Palestinian" perfidy

Posted by bk on February 11, 2010

"Palestinians" never go to war without their human shields

"Palestinians" never go to war without their human shields

It might be you’ve never noticed or were aware that the photo is a typical scene in areas that have been Palestinianized. The gunman makes certain to always use “civilians” and the “civilians” always make sure to provide cover for the gunman.

These “civilians” thus endanger themselves purposefully by being present when the IDF directs return fire to this location. There is a great probability that some of these “civilians” will be killed. Photos will be taken and accusations of “war crimes” will be made against Israel.

However, the actual War Crime committed here is that of perfidy and it is the “Palestinian” way. Those responsible for said perfidy also bear the responsibility for all injuries and/or deaths that occur. That party would be the “Palestinians,” be they Hamas, al Fatah, take your pick.

Furthermore, those responsible for actual War Crimes, as the “Palestinians” certainly are, according to the Geneva Convention, are not protected by the Geneva Convention. Recall these conventions were created as rules of warfare that specifically safeguarded civilians.

When “Palestinian” “civilians” play their perfidous role, they stray strut dangerously over the line and become accomplices. (Speaking of accomplices, Atlas Shrugs has a great series on the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and his deep Nazi connections. Don’t forget the Mufti was the “father” of “Palestinianism” and the Nazis had a great affinity for Islam.)

I used to be surprised but they love death and taunt us with the fact that we love life. As if that’s an actual taunt. It’s more an admission that the free world is dealing with a mindset that hardly uses its mind and is rather set about it.

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